Radar data from open source media has been and continues to be collected, to create, modify and amend the Radar Emitter Data Base (REDB). Commenced in 1965, it was subsequently moved from a manual to a Apple computer-based system in 1984 employing Jazz software. Over the years it has continued to grow as more data has become available. The REDB now contains over 35,400 modes of parametric data, detailing more than 17,000 different types of radar and related emitteer systems, deployed globally, in the air, in space, on ships amd submarine, land mobiles and at static sites on both manned and automonous solutions. For more detailed information please complete the link on the last page.
Being compiled solely from open sources, the REDB is, in military jargon, unclassified and therefore will not infringe upon any aspect of national nor military security.
The REDB consists of fifteen identically formatted two-dimensional spread sheets covering the minimum, merdian and maximum values of parametric data of emitters manufactured in the following countries since 1935: Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, The Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, The Netherlands, North Korea, Norway, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, The Ukraine, UK and the USA. Obsolete emitters are heldomdefinitely in a separate but identically formatted spread sheet such that they may still be accessed for historic research.
The emitters are defined by their parametric modes. Each line of data is a distinct mode. There are 89 data fields and up to 40 data source fields. The data fields cover all transmitted parametric values in minimum, median and maximum terms, including intra-pulse and power information, along with each emitter’s true identity, aliases, country of origin, manufacturer and known current users. Other fields cover platform installation, associated weapons, type of antenna, range and elevation detection performance achieved against specific target cross-sections, with useful development, technical and operational comment. Including Aliases, the REDB now contains over 25,000 emitter identities. The data sets are carried as a series of loosely geopolitical and manufacturing built emitters, identically formated in Microsoft Excel worksheets with all the tools applicable to Excel available for sortinbg, selecting, finding, etc..